Life, and then some...

That was something of a shout-out to M.B., who is still very much missed. But really now, who doesn't identify with that song?
On the bright side (I suppose) I think I may have figured out the rest of my life; actually that's a lie. I may have figured out my life for next semester - I've basically declared my majors and all that jazz (not officially, but I still have 4 years to decide). My plan is to double major in Special Education (moderate PreK-8) and Psychology with a minor in Sociology. The way it's looking, I'm going to end up carrying 20 credits a semester (that's 5 classes; the norm here is 4). I really really really wish I could minor in Anthropology, but my school doesn't offer it. So while I could take courses at one of the other colleges nearby, I don't think it would count towards a minor or a major. But whatever.
And, in really happy news, I got a job in the library! (::applause::) Mind you it's the classic geek job, perfect for me really, but it's fun - well, I think it's fun. My room mate doesn't quite feel the same way, but to each her own. It's easy, which is nice, and the time is flexible - basically whenever you can get in there. See, the school just built a big new library, so all of the books have to be labeled to get ready for the move; therein lies my job. I put labels on the books. I was thinking ahead [man, I've been doing a lot of that lately] to next year, and presumably I could get another job at the library, doing whatever they want. Otherwise I'm going to have to get a *real* job somewhere, like CVS or BestBuy or something. Yay for menial, mindless work. Oh well, $$ is $$
AND in the Happiest news EVER (well, in my mind at the moment) - SPRING HAS SPRUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one can possibly comprehend how happy that makes me. Winter is THE most depressing time of year. Forget Christmas and the New Year, it's a dark, dreary, wet, cold, stupid time of year, and now that it's gone I am SOOOOOOOOOO happy. Yay! And the picture above - how pretty is that? I would absolutely LOVE to go hiking on a mountain like that (granted, I'd probably die because that picture was taken in Alaska, and the mosquitoes there are as big as some birds....)
So what else... OOooo yea, I get to see the boyfriend TWO WEEKENDS IN A ROW. How sweet is that? I get to see him this upcoming weekend for a concert, and then the weekend after that my room mate and the boyfriend and his bro and his girlfriend are all going to see Dane Cook live (YIPPEE). The past two weekends have been fun too, considering I've spent time with "the girls" - always a good time. We're all slightly looney, but it makes for a good time. And I get to go home for Easter, so I get to see my grandparents and cousins and my mom's boyfriend's daughter's kids (the little girl is absolutely adorable, and I haven't met the newest baby yet, but what downside is there to babies, really?).
OOkay, time to do some papers. Yay for school? Sure....
"True friends are the people that are there for you unconditionally. They are the people that never question you and support you no matter what the circumstances are. They are the people worth living for." -unknown
"Never explain yourself. Your friends don’t need it and your enemies won’t believe it." -Belgicia Howell “Side by side or miles apart, dear friends are always close to the heart.”
"We will be friends until forever, just you wait see." - Pooh Bear
"My friend, if I could give you one thing, I would wish for you the ability to see yourself as others see you. Then you would realize what a truly special person you are."
**"A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else."—Unknown
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