Rain rain

"Cause nothin' lasts forever And we both know hearts can change And it's hard to hold a candle In the cold November rain"
Blah, I hate the rain. It's pretty if it's only there for a little while, but when it rains allllll day I get kinda depressed. Rain and snow have that effect on me - sucks that I decided to stay in New England, but whatever.
On a brighter note (well, to me anyway) today was the first day of classes. :-D I realize that not everyone feels that way, but the first day of school for me is always one of those "woo hoo" days. So far my classes seem awesome, which is cool. A lot more work than last semester, but hey, it's college.
I also accomlished one of my major goals for the year - I went to the gym. In "Legally Blonde" Elle mentions how endorphins make people happy ("And happy people don't shoot their husbands. They just don't.") - and obviously I need as much happiness as I can get. My roomie went with me, and one of our friends, so it was as much a social event as it was excercise. Not sure if it's normal to have that much fun when you're working out, but whatever. lol
My roomie and I were just on Facebook, and I'm a little upset with the boyfriend. I realize that it's ok for him to have female friends, but there's a picture of him and two girls lookin a little too friendly. I know I can trust him; my issue is with the girls. In case no one has noticed, girls are terrible, horrible, nasty people - and my boyfriend is such a nice sweet guy that he doesn't stand a chance. Whatever, it's a petty thing, and stupid, but that's just too damn bad. He can deal. No one has to agree with me, and I'm really not expecting anyone too. I get that he has friends, I get that they're girls, but I can still be a bitch about it. They get to see him and get all cozy for these little photo-ops, and I get to see him once a month, MAYBE. And I realize that this is what he had to deal with all through High School, and I know that I can trust him, but it bugs me. Stupid shit - now he's mad at me. There goes my good day.
~*~Yeah you're blinded by rainbows
Watching the wind blow
Blinded by rainbows
Do you dream at night
Do you sleep at night
I doubt it~*~
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