Agh, my life is inordinately stressful right now! I have 5 papers due in the next two weeks (3 of them for one class. But let's not get me started on THAT particular professor...) Not to mention the fact that there's a campus-wide event tomorrow that we've been planning for months, and it's supposed to rain, and I can almost guarentee that my dorm isn't going to participate which is going to make me look like crap. Agh. I just want to go back to WW and hang out with my friends and forget the amount of work that has to get done between now and then. I'm gonna be working all summer, which will keep my mind off of less than desirable things. And I'll hopefully get to see my bestest buds before we all get too busy... being a grown up SUCKS! Like, a lot. Seriously, this much stress can not possibly be healthy. :-/
There isn't even a bright side to anything anymore because the sun went away! WTF?!?!
And the situation with my friend got worse, even though he was trying to fix it. Woot woot more stress for my already fully stressed life!
I kinda wish the sun would come back. Somehow, all of this stress wasn't quite as stressful when it was sunny...
I realize that none of this is making sense, but it feels good to vent. All of my friends are in the same boat as me, so there's no point in complaining to them.
Whoa, hold the phone, just realized there is a bright side, sort of. My best friend in the world is turning 21 in a few weeks. Finally, I found a bright side to the end of this semester! GO ME!!! :-)
Bah, I have to go deal with the last minute planning of this thing... and write 5 papers. AND I was supposed to go to a friends school to celebrate their birthday but I couldn't go because I have to be back early tomorrow and we had no way of getting back early, so I couldn't go. This isn't making sense really anymore, so I'm gonna go pretend to be a grown up.... :-(