Coolest thing ever! (Yes I am a dork!)

So on my way back from work today I saw, possibly, the coolest thing ever. There was a hawk (I'm pretty sure it was a Cooper's Hawk, but I'm no voice of authority) who was in the process of finding him/herself an early dinner of grey squirrel. Obviously I'm a dork, but it was so cool! The poor hawk wasn't too excited about having an audience for dinner - and the squirrel wasn't so happy about BEING dinner, since it kept trying to escape - but it was an amazing thing to see. This is the second time I've seen a hawk up close and personal in the city. My freshman year there was one on my campus eating what looked to be an electrocuted squirrel, and I managed to get pretty close to that one as well.
I love the city, I love being in the city, but at heart I am a country girl.
Labels: Boston, Coopers Hawk, wildlife