WTF mate?

And memories a lane
I'd walk right up to Heaven
And bring you home again"
So my friend designed that as a tatoo for me in memory of my student. I love it - it's going to look amazing, and I'm so glad that she agreed to design it for me with everything else that is going on in her life. I have amazing friends, I really do.
Okay, on there's a really funny little thing called 'The end of the world' which was really really funny, and now I have it stuck in my head. Oh well. In other news.... life basically sucks, as per usual. Bad things happening to good people, all the stressors of school and life building up, and apparently somewhere in my relatively short life I managed to piss God (or whatever/ whoever) off to the point of him (they? it?) hating me and everyone around me. On top of all that, I haven't slept well in months and a certain Snow Queen/White Witch/THE bitch has made sleeping even MORE impossible than it already seemed to be; I dont even know how I function anymore. So thats my life - go me!
Got to see the boyfriend last weekend, which made me happy, and before that "the girls" and I went out to the Cheesecake factory - yay for fun friends. Goin to BC Saturday night to see two of my friends' dance performance, so that should be entertaining. Aside from that, people suck. A lot. Especially people who can't seem to mature past the age of 11 and keep trying to drag me into petty fights. Not gonna deal with it. Let's face it people, we're almost done with our first year of college now. This whole "well you said... she said... he said" shit has got to stop. Yay for acting like grownups. Really. And let's see how many times one person can piss me off in a month. It's amazing how inconsiderate and immature people can be. How completely and utterly selfish people are. Unbe-fuckin-lievable.
No matter what though, I'm not goin to go back to what I was doin a few weeks ago. Because the look on my boyfriend's face when I told him I hadn't for two weeks was amazing. He was so proud of me, and so happy, and so relieved - he is the only motivation I will ever need. I love you Papa Bear
Because theres too many things for you to deal with
Dyin inside, but outside you're lookin fearless
While tears, is rollin down your cheeks...